Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Finally, the vest

It's only been several weeks since I finished and gave Bob his gift... the alpaca sweater vest and finally he put it on so I can get a picture of it. I've only asked several times.... but that's a guy for you. He's even wearing it when we go out for dinner tonight.

Now that all the gift-knitting is done, I am diligently working on a sweater and pair of socks for myself. The pattern on the socks is called Dragonfly and it's for a Knit-a-long with a group that is reading (again) the second book of the Outlander series, "Dragonfly in Amber".

Scrapbooking has been put on hold a a little bit, but I am going to a 12 hour crop this weekend and should get a ton done. I did this LO over the weekend when a couple of friends came over to play.


Mel Place said...

awesome work on the sweater!and beautiful lo you have some awesome work!!tfs

melody said...

another peice of beautiful knitting! what an inspiration..and awesome lo chickie!