Monday, September 03, 2007

a prodigal friend and sister

My dear friend returned into my life after being gone for several years. Life and the things in it kept her away and due to unfortunate twists and turns, she has come back. As much as I missed her, I would much rather she be happy with the life she had for so many years. For it was an unwelcome and surprise divorce that brought her back. I am shocked and deeply saddened that she was treated this way and I hope that she will find her way out of it. I'm sure that it will take time and lots of tears shed, but I know that she'll be okay. She has her family and friends to comfort and support her. I wish for her peace.

I see what friends have gone through in their lives and I wonder if I would be able to manage if I were in their shoes. We all have our own crosses to bear and goodness knows I've carried a few and survived.

My sister whom I have missed terribly ever since her family moved to California, is moving back to the midwest. Even though she'll be a five hour drive away (or 3 hours by ferry), it's still shorter than a 5 hour flight (and a lot less expensive). I will see her more than once a year and may even get to spend the holidays together. I know it's all about the job and career and I feel terrible about my niece's life being interrupted once again, but please indulge me my little bit of selfishness wanting them to be close. I wish for them contentment.


Nancy said...

Oh Margo I'm sorry to hear your friend is having difficulties, but I'm glad you are there for her.
The is so great your sister is moving closer. I don't know what I would do if Jayne moved away. Lots of hugs to you and your friend.

Shirley said...

Sometimes life can be hard to understand. Your friend is lucky to have you Margo. Hope things work our for her. Glad your sister is moving closer. In the end, family and friends are really what makes this life what it's all about.

Anonymous said...

Ditto above and why did it take me forever to know that you had a blog?