Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I've been tagged.... oh goodie.

I've read so many other's and somehow have escaped the tagging.... Coggie of Ravelry and my knitting group tagged me for the 6 quirky yet boring and/or unspectacular details about myself game. Don't get bored now.

1. I can be quite shy and quiet.
2. I don't like being in small spaces that's why I drive a big car.
3. I have a sensitivity to scents and can't walk down the laundry aisle at the supermarket.
4. I'm a coffee fanatic and must grind my own beans each morning.
5. I want to be buried in my jeans and my Birks (don't care about the top).
6. I get regular massages... just because it feels good.

There... are you happy?

I'm tagging... Amy B., Robin, Dawn, Jeanne.

1 comment:

Coggie said...

Yep, I am happy!

Thanks Margo, I have you blog favorited now and will keep up with it.