Monday, September 22, 2008

Road Trip

Saturday was a day for being on the road. A last minute yarn and crochet workshop in Lansing at Threadbear, a store I've been meaning to get to but always put it on the back burner. Coggie, a member from my knitting group was going and posted that she had room for passengers and even though I was tempted, I hesitated because it was my scrapbooking group's day to get together and crop. Unfortunately no one could make it, so I emailed Coggie and went along.

The classes were more about crochet than knitting, but held valuable information. The first class was held by the editor of interweave Crochet magazine. She brought all the crochet garments that are being featured in the fall issue of the magazine and it was nice to see these works in person and feel and the yarn and see the stitches up close. The second class was done by the person who does Knitting Daily TV... a show on PBS that talks about knit and crochet. Her focus was on how to alter patterns according to your own personal measurements.

There was time for shopping and I did give it my best to make a purchase, but without a project in mind, it was a bit mind boggling just to go through bin after bin of yarn after yarn not knowing what to get or how much to buy. Besides.... I've got more than enough yarn in my stash at home and more than enough projects to get on the needles.

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